FilAm Vote

We need your help engaging the community to vote!

Since 2002, NaFFAA’s non-partisan civic engagement program, “FilAm Vote,” has aimed to unite, build, and increase political empowerment through voter registration, voter education, voter protection, and Get Out The Vote (GOTV).

Why Should I Vote?

  • Voting is your chance to choose how your tax dollars are spent – such as funding for health care and social services.

  • Support the candidates and ballot measures that can help your community, state, and even the nation for the greater good. Make your voice heard in these elections.

  • Absentee voting (aka “mail-in voting” and “by-mail voting”) is conducted by mail-in ballot before the day of Election Day. All states will mail a ballot to voters if certain conditions are met. Check your states absentee voting rules here.